Welcome to BabyBanks!
BabyBanks a ranking of 3 largest banks in the world with a combined total ownership of tens of millions of HLA code database.

What is Cord Blood Stem Cell?
Darah tali pusat atau dikenal dengan cord blood, ternyata memiliki manfaat yang sangat berguna bagi pemilik juga kerabatnya. Salah satunya dapat digunakan sebagai terapi.
Keep Your Baby's Umbilical Cord With Us
We all who joined the professional team BabyBanks never forgotten how our hard work has paid off in an effort to save lives.
Health Benefits For Your Family
Until now has thousands of successful stem cell therapy that is done to treat more than 70 diseases including various types of blood disorders, cancer, organ ..
How We Help You Care?
We not only give you the cord tissue storage service, but we deliver storage services MSC (umbilical cord that has been in the extract and in expand)